Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Fix (1/25/2013) - Launcher

By Christy Hess

I have two ball crazy border collies. Brody would sell his soul if someone would just throw the ball!!!!

I have seen the video of the Jerry and his ball launcher. If you haven't seen it, check it out here on YouTube. I tried to get my brother to make a dog ball launcher for me, but he refused. So today I was playing around on the internet and found I am going turn in my coin jar and get this for my dogs - hope to post my own videos here shortly, for now, here are some other dogs enjoying this new gadget!

So, this is what I want and if anyone is adopting a puppy from us, they might consider getting one of these for themselves.

Also wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from this week.

Hope you have a great week!

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